用创意叙说故事。「UNIQ DESIGN」主要为高端购物中心、时尚零售业设计艺术装置及互动体验。我们拥有世界各地的合作伙伴、艺术家及全球资源网络,将为客户带来世界级水准的设计以及国际合作机会。同时,我们也致力于本地文化的创新,将最具代表性的本土文化结合国际化表达方式呈现,从而推向国际化的舞台。
Narrating tales in a creative manner, UNIQ DESIGN is skilled at designing artistic installations and delivering interactive experiences mainly for high-end shopping malls and fashion retailers. Relying on our global network of partners, artists and resources, we benefit our clients with world-class designs and international cooperation opportunities. Besides, we are also committed to local cultural innovations, introducing and promoting the most representative of local cultures to international communities by international means of expression.

武昌万象城 T-LINE de AURORA 大家闪耀季!


《龙舞新年 灯映新春》颐堤港2024国潮艺术灯展精彩亮相!

乐动新潮 三里屯太古里即刻开启派对新次元
