UNIQ GROUP品汇集团成立于2010年,致力于为各大品牌提供全方位的推广服务,以品牌DNA为核心,通过分析、策略、创意与先进技术,致力为客户带来创意和具有影响力的整合营销方案,为客户提供深度持续的服务,为品牌提供创意与商业价值。
Founded in 2010 and specializing in comprehensive brand promotion, UNIQ Group has been committed to developing integrated marketing solutions with creativity and high influence through brand DNA-centered analytics, planning, creativity and advanced techniques, providing continuous and in-depth services to our clients, and enhancing the creativity and business value of brands.
We are devoted to getting a full understanding of our clients and their industries, providing innovative insights and ideas to them by leveraging our global premium resources, industry expertise and professional experience, and delivering impressive memories to all citizens in this City.

UNIQ GROUP旗下子公司各自拥有独特定位、各有专长。
由公关活动「UNIQ EVENTS」、美陈设计「UNIQ DESIGN」、 艺术及策展「UNIQ ENERGY」三大跨文化平台组成。
With their unique positionings and specialties,
all the affiliates under UNIQ Group operate and cooperate through three cross-cultural platforms: UNIQ EVENTS, UNIQ DESIGN and UNIQ ENERGY.

「UNIQ EVENTS」是公关活动的专家,十余年来为客户打造过众多动人的公关活动。我们以客户品牌的DNA为核心,以极具创意的活动表现方式展现品牌DNA,致力于为客户提供创造性的内容营销及独特的体验,持续不断地为客户提供优质、超质的专业服务。

UNIQ EVENTS, an expert in PR events, has staged various thrilling PR events for its clients over the past decade. We focus on the brand DNAs of our clients, plan by tightly sticking to them, and then demonstrate and highlight them innovatively, delivering creative content marketing and unique experience to our clients and continuing to provide value-added and high-quality professional services to them.


We established a strategic partnership with Naissance in 2019 to jointly develop and implement art programs. We are highly responsive to the public perception and understanding of arts, and are determined to be a bridge between arts and a better life and a pioneer in new artistic lifestyles by conveying art aesthetics to the public and promoting its integration with the public cultural life.

用创意叙说故事。「UNIQ DESIGN」主要为高端购物中心、时尚零售业设计艺术装置及互动体验。我们拥有世界各地的合作伙伴、艺术家及全球资源网络,将为客户带来世界级水准的设计以及国际合作机会。同时,我们也致力于本地文化的创新,将最具代表性的本土文化结合国际化表达方式呈现,从而推向国际化的舞台。

Narrating tales in a creative manner, UNIQ DESIGN is skilled at designing artistic installations and delivering interactive experiences mainly for high-end shopping malls and fashion retailers. Relying on our global network of partners, artists and resources, we benefit our clients with world-class designs and international cooperation opportunities. Besides, we are also committed to local cultural innovations, introducing and promoting the most representative of local cultures to international communities by international means of expression.


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